- Thorenson, J., McCovey, K., Rossier, C., Lake F., Hajjar, R., Hillman, C., Halpern, A. Tripp, B., Krawchuk, M. (2024). Monitoring of Black Oak (Xánthiip) to center Indigenous ecocultural revitalization. Earth Stewardship. 1(1): e7002.
- Shifting power dynamics and decision-making on U.S. National Forests: Oregon forest collaboratives in the era of social forestry. Forest Policy and Economics. 168 (July): 103291. ., Hajjar, R. (2024).
- Towards a More Just Approach to Community Forestry Initiatives: Confronting contradictions, trade-offs, and threats to fairness. Biological Conservation 295 (April): 110665. Hajjar, R. (2024).
- Frey, G.E., Hajjar, R., Charnley, S., McGinley, K., Schelhas, J., Tarr, N., "Community forests" in the United States - how do we know one when we see one? Society and Natural Resources. In press. , Cubbage, F.W. (2024).
- Smith, A.C. Hajjar, R., Kanel, K.R., Fox, J., Tuladhar, S., Van Den Hoek, J. (2024). Out-migration, agricultural abandonment, and community forest management: Drivers of afforestation in privately managed land in Nepal. Journal of Applied Geography. 167 (April 2024): 103275.
- Crandall, M., Hajjar, R., Leahy, J. (2024). An analysis of political identity development in state forest advisory groups. Journal of Forestry. May: 1-9.
- Hajjar, R., McGuinley, K. Charnley, S., Frey, G., Hovis, M., Cubbage, F., Schelhas, J., Characterizing community forests in the United States. Journal of Forestry. XX:1-12. (2024).
- , Hajjar, R. (2024). Empowerment and disempowerment in community-based natural resource management: Examining CREMA outcomes in Ghana. Land Use Policy. 138: 107051.
- Interactions between formal and informal institutions governing community and small-scale timber enterprises: The case of the Ampiyacu river basin in the Peruvian Amazon. Forest Policy and Economics. 157, 103070. , Hajjar, R. (2023).
- Jung, S., Hajjar, R. (2023). The livelihood impacts of transnational aid for climate change mitigation: Evidence from Ghana. Forest Policy and Economics. 155, 103053.
- Cumming, G.S., Davies, Z., Fischer, J., Hajjar, R. (2023). Toward a pluralistic conservation science. Conservation Letters. 16, 12952.
- Conflicts between core purposes: Trade-offs associated with organizational shifts in Mexican community forest enterprises. World Development. 160, 106078. , Hajjar, R. (2022).
- Examining the powers decentralized to community resource management areas in Ghana. Land Use Policy, 119 (August), 106204. , Hajjar, R. (2022).
- McGinley, K.A., Charnley, S., Cubbage, F.W., Hajjar, R., Frey, G.E., Schelhas, J., Hovis, M., Kornhauser, K. (2022). Community forest ownership, rights, and governance regimes in the United States. In, Bulkan, J., Palmer, J., Larson, A., Hobley, M. (eds). Routeledge Handbook on Community Forestry. Earthscan.
- Hajjar, R., Newton, P., Ihalainen, M., Agrawal, A., Alix-garcia, J., Castle, S. E., Erbaugh, J.T., Gabay, M., Hughes, K., Levers for alleviating poverty in forests. Forest Policy and Economics, 132(February), 102589. , Pacheco, P., Schoneveld, G., Timko, J. A. (2021).
- Miller, D. C., Mansourian, S., Gabay, M., Hajjar, R., Jagger, P., Kamoto, J. F. M., … Wildburger, C. (2021). Forests, trees and poverty alleviation: Policy implications of current knowledge. Forest Policy and Economics, 131(August), 102566.
- Learning from Tribal Leadership and the Anchor Forest Concept for Implementing Cross-Boundary Forest Management. Journal of Forestry, 1–13. , Hajjar, R., & Davis, E. J. (2021).
- Mexican community forest enterprises as social firms: Organizational differences and the factors that shape them. Forest Policy and Economics, 131(July), 102557. , Hajjar, R. (2021).
- Hajjar, R., Zavaleta Cheek, J., Jagger, P., Kamoto, J., Newton, P., Oldekop, J., & Razafindratsima, O. H. (2021). Research frontiers on forests, trees, and poverty dynamics. Forest Policy and Economics, 131(June), 102554.
- Hajjar, R, JA Oldekop, P Cronkleton, P Newton, AJ Russell, W Zhou. 2021. A global analysis of social and environmental outcomes of community forests. Nature Sustainability. 4: 216-224.
- Hajjar, R, The impacts of REDD+ on the social-ecological resilience of community forests. Environmental Research Letters. 16, 2: 024001. . 2021.
- Hajjar, R, P Newton et al. 2020. Levers for alleviating poverty in forests and tree-based systems. In, Miller, D, S Mansourian, C Wildeburger (eds). Forests, Trees and the Eradication of Poverty: Potential and Limitations. A Global Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series Vol 39.
- Davis, EJ, R Hajjar, S Charnley, C Moseley, K Wendel & M Jacobson. 2020. Community-based forestry on federal lands in the western United States: A synthesis and call for renewed research. Forest Policy and Economics, 111: 102042.
- Miller, DM and R Hajjar. 2020. Forests as pathways to prosperity: Empirical insights and conceptual advances. World Development. 125: 104647
- Hajjar, R, A Ayana, R Rutt, O Hinde, C Liao, S Keene, S Bandiaki-Badji, A Agrawal. 2019 Capital, labor, and gender: The consequences of large-scale land transactions on household labor allocation. Journal of Peasant Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/03066150.2019.1602520
- Hajjar, R, P Newton, D Adshead, M Bogaerts, VA Maguire-Rajpaul, LFG Pinto, CL McDermott, JC Milder, E Wollenberg, A Agrawal. 2019. Scaling up sustainability in commodity agriculture: Transferability of governance mechanisms across the coffee and cattle sectors in Brazil. Journal of Cleaner Production. 206: 124-132.
- Agrawal, A, R Hajjar, C Liao, L Vang Rasmussen, C Watkins. 2018. Editorial overview: Forest governance interventions for sustainability through information, incentives, and institutions. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 17: 1-7.
- Hajjar, R, JA Oldekop. 2018. Research frontiers in community forest management. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 32: 119-125.
- Sanchez-Badini, O, R Hajjar, RA Kozak. 2018. Critical success factors for small and medium forest enterprises: A review. Forest Policy and Economics. 94: 35-45
- Vasquez-Fernandez, AM, R Hajjar, MI Shuñaqui Sangama, RS Lizardo, MP Pinedo, JL Innes, RA Kozak. 2017. Co-creating and Decolonizing a Methodology Using Indigenist Approaches: Alliance with the Asheninka and Yine-Yami Peoples of the Peruvian Amazon. ACME An International Journal for Critical Geographies.
- Phalan, B, R Hajjar. 2017. Developing without deforestation. Nature Plants. 3 (News &Views): 17120.
- Hajjar, R, RA Kozak. 2017. The evolution of forest producer associations and their current role in REDD+: Case studies from Quintana Roo, Mexico. Land Use Policy. 60, 373-383
- Tomaselli, MF, R Hajjar, AE Ramon Hidalgo, A Vasquez. 2017. The problematic old roots of new green narratives: How far can they take us in re-imagining sustainability in the forestry sector? Special Issue on the Green Economy in International Forestry Review. 19 (S1): 1-13.
- Oldekop, J, R Hajjar. 2017. Common pool resource management: Insights from community forests. In: Investors and Exploiters in Ecology and Economics: Principles and Applications, ed. L-A. Giraldeau, P. Heeb, and M. Kosfeld. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 21, J. Lupp, series editor. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Bogaerts, M, L Cirighiri, I Robinson, M Rodkin, R Hajjar, C Costa Junior, P Newton. 2017. Climate change mitigation through intensified pasture management: Estimating greenhouse gas emissions on cattle farms in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Cleaner Production. 162:1539-1550.
- Hajjar, R, JO Oldekop, P Cronkleton, E Etue, P Newton, AJ Russell, JS Tjajadi, W Zhou, A Agrawal. 2016. The data not collected on community forestry. Conservation Biology. 30 (6): 1357-1262.
- Hajjar, R, O Sanchez-Badini, RA Kozak. 2016. Promoting small and medium forest enterprises in the context of REDD+: A multi-country analysis of enabling environments. Climate Policy. 17(6): 731-763.
- Hajjar, R, A Molnar. 2016. Decentralization and community-based approaches. In, Panwar, R, Kozak, RA, Hansen, E (eds.) Forests, Business and Sustainability. Earthscan, London.
- Pinto, LFG, R Hajjar, P Newton, A Agrawal, D Adshead, D Bini, M Bogaerts, L Cirhigiri, VA Maguire-Rajpaul, A Gonzáles-Chaves, C McDermott, J Milder, P Pinho, I Robinson, M Rodkin, E Wollenberg. 2016.Transitioning to more sustainable, low emissions agriculture in Brazil. CCAFS Info Note.
- Bogaerts, M, L Cirighiri, I Robinson, M Rodkin, R Hajjar, P Newton. 2016. Climate change mitigation through intensified pasture management: Estimating greenhouse gas emissions on cattle farms in the Brazilian Amazon. CCAFS Working Paper.
- Hajjar, R, RA Kozak. 2015. Exploring public perceptions of forest adaptation strategies in Western Canada: Implications for Policy-makers. Forest Policy and Economics. 61(2015): 59-69.
- Hajjar, R. 2015. Advancing small-scale forestry under FLEGT and REDD in Ghana. Forest Policy and Economics. 58 (2015): 12-20.
- Hajjar, R. 2015. Researching the possible and likely implications of Ghana’s REDD+ and VPA plans on land and tree tenure reform. Report to FERN.
- Rantalla, S, R Hajjar, M Skutsch. 2014. Multi-level governance for legitimate and effective REDD+ in Mexico. Forests. 5(12): 3147-3168.
- Hajjar, R, E McGuigan, M Moshofsky, RA Kozak. 2014. Opinions on strategies for forest adaptation to future climate conditions in Western Canada: Surveys of the general public and leaders of forest-dependent communities. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 44(12): 1525-1533.
- Tomaselli, M, RA Kozak, R Hajjar, J Timko, A Jarjusey and K Camara (2014). Small Forest-Based Enterprises in The Gambia: Opportunities and Challenges. In, Forests Under Pressure: Local Responses to Global Issues, Katila, P., G. Galloway, W. de Jong, P. Pacheco and G. Mery, Eds, Eds.). International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) / World Forests, Society and Environment (WFSE), Vienna. pp. 315-328.
- Hajjar, R, RA Kozak, H El-Lakany and JL Innes. 2013. Community forests for forest communities: Integrating community-defined goals and practices in the design of forestry initiatives. Land Use Policy. 34: 158-167.
- Hajjar, R. 2013. Certifying small and community producers in developing countries: Prospects for adoption and diffusion. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods. 22(4): 230-240.
- De La Fuente, T, R Hajjar. 2013. Do current forest carbon standards include adequate requirements to ensure indigenous peoples’ rights in REDD projects? International Forestry Review 15(4): 427-441.
- Hajjar, R. 2013. Community Forestry in the Brazilian Amazon: An Examination of Power, Challenges and Goals. In, Amazon: Biodiversity Conservation, Economic Development and Human Impact. Nova Publishing, Hauppage, NY.
- Alemagi, D, R Hajjar, Z Tchoundjeu, RA Kozak. 2013. Cameroon's Environmental Impact Assessment Decree and public participation in concession-based forestry: A case study of eight forest-dependent communities. Journal of Sustainable Development 6 (10): 1-17.
- Wang, G, JL Innes, R Hajjar, X Zhang, J Wang. 2013. Public awareness and perceptions of watershed management in the Min River area, Fujian, China. Society and Natural Resources. 26 (5): -604.
- Hajjar, R, RA Kozak and JL Innes. 2012. Is decentralization leading to “real” decision-making power for forest-dependent communities? Case studies from Mexico and Brazil. Ecology and Society. 17 (1): 12.
- Chasek, P, Guttierez, M and R Hajjar. 2012. What’s in a name? The Challenges of Defining the Issues. Chasek, P, L Wagner (eds.) The Roads from Rio: Lessons learned from twenty years of multilateral environmental negotiations. Resources for the Future Press (Earthscan), London.
- Wagner, L, R Hajjar and A Appleton. 2012. Global Alliances to Strange Bedfellows: The Ebb and Flow of Negotiating Coalitions. Chasek, P, L Wagner (eds.) The Roads from Rio: Lessons learned from twenty years of multilateral environmental negotiations. Resources for the Future Press (Earthscan), London.
- Hajjar, R, DG McGrath, RA Kozak and JL Innes. 2011. Framing community forestry challenges with a broader lens: Case studies from the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Environmental Management. 92: 2159-2169.
- Tomaselli, MF and R Hajjar. 2011. Promoting Community Forestry Enterprises in National REDD+ Strategies: A business approach. Forests. 2(1): 283 - 300. [Also available in Spanish]
- Alemagi, D, R Hajjar, S David and RA Kozak. 2011. Benefits and barriers to certification of community-based forest operations in Cameroon: An exploratory assessment. Small-scale Forestry. 11(4):417-433.
- Davenport, D, J Bulkan, R Hajjar and P Hardcastle. 2011. Forests and Sustainability. In, J. Rayner et al., (eds) Embracing Complexity: Meeting the Challenges of International Forest Governance. International Union of Forest Research Organizations: Vienna.
2010 and earlier
- Hajjar, R and JL Innes. 2009. The World Bank’s policy towards forests: push or pull? International Forestry Review. 11 (1): 27-36.
- Hajjar, R, D Jarvis and B Gemmill-Herren. 2008. The utility of crop genetic diversity in agricultural landscapes in maintaining ecosystem services. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 123: 261-270.
- Hodgkin, T and R Hajjar. 2008. Using crop wild relatives for crop improvement: trends and perspectives. p. 535-548. In, N. Maxted, et al. (eds). Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use. CABI Publishing Series.
- Hajjar, R and T Hodgkin. 2007. The use of wild relatives for crop improvement: A survey of developments over the past 20 years. Euphytica. 156 (1-2): 1-13.